Friday, April 15, 2011

UFO Fleet of Aliens Spotted over Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Plant Japan

A shocking news story sees the troubles of People of Japan just increasing after the massive earthquake and Tsunami. An even more shocking news than the Tsunami and Earthquake of Japan is the Sighting of the UFO fleet over Japan's Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Plant a couple of days before.

Some people are believing that this is the Beginning of the End as Aliens Take over the earth. Some other UFO experts beleive that there have been instances in the past that Aliens in UFO Fleets had visited places where recent Earthquake, Tsunami or Volcano's had taken place to study them.

Beleive it or not, but the proof is out there, a lot of videos showing the UFO Fleet over Japan's Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Plant.

God Bless Japan.

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