Friday, April 15, 2011

UFO Aliens Sighted Fukushima Japan Invasion End of the world 2012?

The recent UFO sightings over some regions of Fukushima Japan had evoked the thoughts of people about the end of the world nearing, that is as predicted by the Mayan Calender 2012.

Many Mayan experts believed that the Alien Invasion was also predicted by the Mayans some centuries ago and also by the famous book of Nostradamus which you can buy online and see for yourself all the predictions yet to come!

I personally do not beleive any such thing as Aliens but after I saw the news and the Alien UFO footage over Japan , I was shocked to say the least.

I advice you to go to YouTube and watch the UFO footage as soon as possible.

The other worrying thing is that it was a Whole Fleet of aliens, not just one UFO.And They Were HUGE!

One of my friends from Japan says he actually saw and hence can definitely say it happened.

What do think people? Is this the end for Humans?An Alien Invasion on our hands?

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