Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rebecca Black on Friday Justin Bieber on Saturday, What a weekend!

Rebecca Black gained international notoriety with her, not a hit single "Friday", She probably just wanted to be the next Taylor Swift or Miley Cyrus or someone like that but unfortunately she became the criticized music pop teen star! She is just 14 years old, she looks more like 17 does she not boys?

Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift made their name at their age as well, but they did not get so much criticism from the first day of Music!

So she surely the next Justin Bieber, Imagine that Friday Rebecca Black and Saturday, probably your little baby sister has Justin Bieber Music and you have to live with it.

Do you think she is going to become anything in the future?

Well her first song has been named as the "Worst Song Ever" by Wikipedia.

Well i think all of will agree with Wikipedia with that one, won't we?

Lets hope we never get to see or hear anything like "Friday" by Rebecca Black again.

Go for Taylor Swift Music CD's everyone!Buy them online!

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