Sunday, May 15, 2011
Mesothelioma Some Unknown Stories and Treatment And Sadness
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Here I will share some people's Sadness, some people I do not Know about, Some people who were brave enough to chat with me and tell about their sad Mesothelioma Stories about how they lost a love one to Mesothelioma Cancer.They are all sad stories, but those who have Mesothelioma, You need to be brave as Mesothelioma is curable and also you can get Money from Mesothelioma lawsuits to treat The Cancer.
Mesothelioma Some Unknown Stories and Treatment And Sadness-
Please Pray for every single one of them - God Bless Them -
Wife of Darryl-
Prayers are needed more than ever. My husband's Meso has spread to the other lung now and a nodule on his spine. Experimental chemo was stopped but his Doc wants him to try something not used for Mesothelioma but showed activity in his tissue culture. Please storm heaven with me in prayer for a miracle for Darryl.
Help someone in need of Money-
Hi everyone, My mum has been diagnosed with plural mesothelioma so we entered her into a competition to win $25000 to travel overseas to see family as she has never been overseas before. If anyone could please take the time to follow this link and click the like button just above our picture you could be helping someones wish come true. Thankyou
Hi the doc said the mesothelioma (Malignant Pleural) has spread. I would like to know any one with the same what treatment did they get and how long was the treatment for and did it help. Today :( although I will not give up hope.
I want to thank you for this site. I asked for literature, it came to me in two days. My father is 84 years of age and had worked with asbestos all his life. He has had several bouts of pneumonia since Christmas that has kept him n the hospital for weeks. A pulmonary doctor stated my father's problems are due to the asbestos, but further testing will be done to determine if the current pulmonary fibrosis diagnosis goes farther and beyond. My heart felt prayers to all and so much appreciation for this site!
A Hopeful Mother -
My 18yo daughter was just diagnosed with benign peritoneal multi cystic mesothelioma. had surgery a week ago.Looking for info and support for her.
You can share your Mesothelioma Stories by Commenting Below, I will post them here.
Mesothelioma Some Unknown Stories and Treatment And Sadness-
Please Pray for every single one of them - God Bless Them -
Wife of Darryl-
Prayers are needed more than ever. My husband's Meso has spread to the other lung now and a nodule on his spine. Experimental chemo was stopped but his Doc wants him to try something not used for Mesothelioma but showed activity in his tissue culture. Please storm heaven with me in prayer for a miracle for Darryl.
Help someone in need of Money-
Hi everyone, My mum has been diagnosed with plural mesothelioma so we entered her into a competition to win $25000 to travel overseas to see family as she has never been overseas before. If anyone could please take the time to follow this link and click the like button just above our picture you could be helping someones wish come true. Thankyou
Hi the doc said the mesothelioma (Malignant Pleural) has spread. I would like to know any one with the same what treatment did they get and how long was the treatment for and did it help. Today :( although I will not give up hope.
I want to thank you for this site. I asked for literature, it came to me in two days. My father is 84 years of age and had worked with asbestos all his life. He has had several bouts of pneumonia since Christmas that has kept him n the hospital for weeks. A pulmonary doctor stated my father's problems are due to the asbestos, but further testing will be done to determine if the current pulmonary fibrosis diagnosis goes farther and beyond. My heart felt prayers to all and so much appreciation for this site!
A Hopeful Mother -
My 18yo daughter was just diagnosed with benign peritoneal multi cystic mesothelioma. had surgery a week ago.Looking for info and support for her.
You can share your Mesothelioma Stories by Commenting Below, I will post them here.
This post was written by: beemagnet77
BeeMagnet is a professional graphic designer, web designer and business man with really strong passion that specializes in marketing strategy. Usually hangs out in Twitter has recently launched a blog dedicated to home design inspiration for designers, bride, photographers and artists called HomeBase
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