Saturday, April 16, 2011

Yahoo Domains - What is so great about Yahoo Domains?

Yahoo Domains are some of the best domains available, they give you all the necessities for keeping and maintaining a great and wonderful website.Yahoo Domains would be the Beverly Hills if it were a piece of land.I recommend Yahoo Domains for all those people who want to build and maintain a great functioning website.I also suggest Google Hosting as you cannot go wrong when you Choose Google.My Blog is also hosted by Google and I never had any bandwidth problem, Google hosting has unlimited bandwidth.Yahoo Hosting also has unlimited bandwidth, so you should not worry about downtime or your website losing visitors due to overload of traffic at some times of the day.

Yahoo hosting also provides No server downtime and it has been rumored that Yahoo hosted websites get higher search engine ranks in yahoo Search engine, which is vital as you can get a lot of traffic from Yahoo Search.But you will still be even in Google Search, which constitutes 95% of Search traffic.

So I would definitely suggest you go for Yahoo OR Google Hosting And domains.

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