Monday, April 11, 2011

Teenage Troubles? Become Cool in high school immediately!

Hey people, are you sick of being not noticed at School or college? Well, then my friends you need to become cool in high School immediately, Don't Worry I will help you all the way and make you cool by giving you some tips about being cool in high school.Remember this applies to college or middle school as well.

So here are some tips to become cool in High School immediately -

1)Participate in Sports such as football, you will definitely become cool if you have decent skills.

2)Hang out with the "it crowd", this is a sure fire way to become cool for Teenagers.

3)Get a cool car that people drool over.

4)Participate in School Musicals or start your own Rock Band!

5)Wear the new funky fashion to School.

6)Do not be like an emo.

7)Talk about sport always, you will get your crowd.

Hope it helped!

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