Friday, April 15, 2011

Rebecca Black - Lets Give her some Friendship instead of Hatred

Rebecca Black according to me is a very brave person, she has bravely put her video showcasing her talent, most of us would not have the courage to do that even in front of a room full of people, but she has done it in front of the Whole world, Is that not brave or what? After all she is only 13, let us hope that all this issues about her song and the hatred shown by people sitting behind computers about the song "Friday" get over quickly so that she can get back to herself and get back to her life quickly.

Rebecca Black, You Have a lot of talent, You can do well in this harsh industry.All you need to do is stick to basics and do what you feel is right, never listen to the words of tramps, You have the support of your lovely family and Friends and us Fans as well.So all you need to concentrate on your work and do better in the future.

And to the people posting all the hate messages on YouTube, Please stop.Do you really want to treat a young girl like that? imagine If that were you, how would you feel about it?Not good right? So show some support to this young girl, let her pursue her Career.

And To Justin Bieber, Let her Have her dream of Singing a Duet with you, she has been through a lot and it would be awesome for her if you did this.

Lets make Friends!

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