Friday, April 15, 2011

Rebecca Black Get angry over, worst Song ever Comments LIVE on TV Friday

Rebecca Black, the overnight most notorious teenager on the planet and also the not so proud singer of the worst song ever - Rebecca Black - Friday - I am not jealous of this pop star at all! But she should have really put in more effort to make her song much better, but she did not and the really bad lyrics, which is expected from a 14 year old, is the main reason for the big issue over her song as well as her auto tune use, many people say she sang very little in the song and the rest was auto tune, well it is the most watched video on YouTube in recent times and at least she got her name into the star light for a few days, but she does seem to want to give up the Limelight just yet as she Gets angry at worst song ever remarks on LIVE  TV.

This pop star needs a good attitude and some music lessons and needs to sing a lot more to become popular in the good way.
Some comments on her Video include - People love to watch a train wreck, they can't take their eyes off her - So lets give her some support, she needs it at these bad times.

Presenting - Rebecca Black Going On about the Worst Song Ever comment

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