Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How to make and Design a website easily in 10 minutes! TIPS!

Making a website can be a very exciting thing to do, the most exciting part being the designing, but many don't think that designing is fun, they don not want to endlessly type in the html codes or php codes. I have good news for them too. So here are the tips to design a free website.

A website can be manually designed, you can learn all the technical aspects required to do so at W3 schools. This site teaches all the computr languages aswell.

All you need for manual construction is a notepad to input the html or php codes.
You can get a video course here.

If you dont want to do it manually, you can get, ready made templates by making website with hosts such as weebly. These help you to design a free website.
You can also download free templates in html form from many websites.
Or you can use a wonderful tool called Dreamweaver to construct your site, it contains very good features.Make sure you buy geniune Adobe Dreamweaver, you can also download the trial version before buying.

If you do not want to shell out a lot of money for a website construction tool you can download the Kompozer tool, which is a free to download software. You do not need any technical know-how to use it. You can go ahead directly to design a free website.

Although dreamweaver is better than kompozer, kompozer is free so many people opt for it.

If you want to impress people who visit your website, you can get ready made html codes for certain widgets and applications you can put up at your website in a matter of seconds.
This is highly recommended, if you want to make your site attractive.

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