Monday, April 18, 2011

How I got my Blog to the Top of Google Search engine First Page

This Blog Lovepetbirds has been up for just over two months actively and it has already gained an Alexa Rank of about 400K. Which I feel will be around 100K in the next six months, So it is quite clear that I get a lot of traffic and most of my traffic is from Google Search Engine, that is 90% of my traffic is from Google Search Engine.

So how did I get this blog so high on the Google search engine?How did I get it to the top First page results on Google Search?

As you can see my Blog rates very high on my keyword list, You can search Google and find out for yourself.

The secret to get your blog to top the Google Search Rankings is to Blog and post articles frequently, But you have to put up quality posts.

I have several other Search Keywords that I top the list for, For some key words, I just make the First page but not the top.I am still working on those Pages.

Once someone visits your blog, If they stay here longer, then you will get a good review from Google thinking that the visitor found the Information relevant and hence found the Blog or Website good.So next time som one searches for Your Blog or website, it will rank higher.So if you have less or bad quality then they will not stay for long and you will not get higher results.

This was the secret  for me, hope you can utilize it.You can do well with some SEO services as well.Follow us on Twitter for more such posts.To advertise on this Blog, visit Advertise with us.

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