Thursday, April 28, 2011

High Paying CPC Ads Adsense Appear at the Top of Each Page?

There have been many rumors and speculation about Ad Placement theories and How some people or web masters believe that they know Adsense Inside out and and hence can optimize their earnings efficiently and earn more from the same content that they already possessed. But no one can ever know how Adsense Works perfectly until he is the guy who wrote the Adsense Algorithm.But you can always take tips from your own previous ad placement experience, Adsense Custom Channels and Other Adsense Publishers Experiences, to optimize your adsense Earnings.Same goes for Infolinks Earnings.

So I have experimented a lot and found a pattern in the CPC, that the Ads at the top of the page have more CPC than the Ads at the bottom or on the Side bar of each page.I always had a theory about this, that the most visible ads get the Higher CPC, but was never sure of it until now.For the last few months I conducted this advertisement and found this to be true.

You can try it out yourself, All you need to do is add a custom channel for all the Ads on your pages and make sure that each one is separate.Then just check the Average CPC of the Ads after like a month or two and find out which ad placement gives you the highest CPC.

It may be different for different Websites or Blogs like mine, so you need to test it out before concluding on anything.Find out how to Optimize Adsense Earnings.

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