Saturday, April 9, 2011

Glenn Beck leaving FOX due to Lung Disease from Chalk Dust

Glenn Beck has been the much celebrated FOX news Host for a long time now but his split from FOX announcement did not come as a surprise due to his Lung Disease which he claims he picked up from Chalk Dust! May be true, may not be true, these celebs do anything to get attention, may be this is one such act or may be he is a genuine person which people believe him to be. Either way the News that he is leaving FOX is true.

Glenn Beck utilized the final few minutes and moments of Wednesdays Show to Explain his departure to the world, which I must say was eagerly waiting, at least I was! He exclaimed - 'I am not not gonna do this for the rest of my life'. obviously we can see the personal hurt he has gone through and we should all accept his decision as he has made it after thinking a lot about the consequences and thus we must respect this mans decision gracefully.

His legend will remain forever and He will be Missed on the Silver Screen.

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