Saturday, April 9, 2011

Foundry Photojournalism Workshop: 3 For 2

Seriously...I don't know what anyone is waiting for...Foundry Photojournalism Workshops are extending its "three-for-two" deal until May 15th.

As announced by Eric Beecroft, the rules are:

1. Deal is good now thru May 15, 2011.
2. You get THREE FULL TUITIONS/student slots for the PRICE OF TWO.
3. You MUST have three persons sign up together.
4. You must pay for the two at the same time, via PAYPAL (preferred) or Western Union.
5. Latin American Tuition- $950 for 3 students (instead of $1425).
6. All other students- $1950 for 3 students (instead of $2925).
NO MIXING AND MATCHING- locals sign up with locals only, non locals with non locals.
7. We need all three person’s NAMES and EMAIL ADDRESSES to get you registered- send them with payment, at the SAME TIME.
8. If you like, you can use The Foundry's Facebook Page to make a request to find partners to get this deal.

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