Friday, April 15, 2011

Charlie Chaplin Day - Greatest Comedian Ever - Buy his Movies online!

Charlie Chaplin, pretty much ever person on this planet has heard of him some time or the other and has also probably seen him one time or the other, He has been the biggest influence on the Comedy industry since like forever!

Charlie Chaplin had no words to speak, but his actions spoke a thousand words.He made us laugh even without saying a single word, It is sad that the comedians of this day and age need to Bad mouth and slang to be funny.

Let us celebrate Charlie Chaplin day and go online and buy his Movies, they really do not cost much, lets watch them with friends and family and have fun today to remember the guy who spent his life trying to keep others happy.

Sadly he was not of our generation.

Also Check out Top 5 Comedians of this generation.

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