Monday, March 21, 2011

Welcome to Paris with Perrier Jouët

With the exception of an April trip to Canada, I hadn’t planned on leaving the country for awhile, but when one of your favorite champagne companies asks you to go to a three day celebration in Paris, what do you say?  I said yes, of course, and began my journey from Champaign (Illinois, that is) on Saturday.

With spring just around the corner, there were no weather delays to deal with and my flight to Chicago went off on time.  I settled in at the Admirals Club with a few hours to wait before my American Airlines flight. I spent a short time at the bar, enjoying some low cal nutrition (before my French feasts) from the hummus appetizer with a glass of a crisp Seaglass Sauvignon Blanc. I made a mental note to fit the Santa Barbara wine region into my schedule sometime soon. Before I knew it, the announcement came for my flight and I headed to my first business class experience on American in years.

After 16+ hours to Australia, the flight to Paris was a breeze, made even easier by American’s premium product. The seats were large and comfortable with enough position choices to keep everyone happy. The wine selection was outstanding for a plane, and included two chardonnays (one oaked, one not, the latter of which I enjoyed with dinner); Nicolas Feuillate Champagne; Groom Lenswood Sauvignon Blanc (my pre-main course choice); Chateau Grand Destieu Cabernet Franc; Freenarj Abey Merlot; Emilio Lustau Sherry; and Graham Vintage Port (my after dinner choice).

The food was the best I’ve had in the air in ages, with a Marinated Cheese Antipasto and Red Thai Curry Chicken.  I could not eat the Smoked Salmon and Herb Marinated Shrimp appetizer, but was told it was very good.  It couldn’t have been as good as dessert – Ben & Jerry’s ice cream with hot fudge and nuts!  I hardly had time to watch “Burlesque” and “The King’s Speech” and catch a few hours sleep before my breakfast was being served, a Cream Cheese & Chive Omelet with O’Brien Potatoes, Filet Mignon slivers, fruit and a croissant.

My exit from Paris’ Charles de Gaulle was quick and easy. Pernod Ricard had a driver waiting for me and I was quickly off to the Westin Paris, a fairly new hotel that mixing old Paris with 21st century modern.  It’s in Vedome, a section of Paris I had not stayed in, near the Place de la Concorde.  I had a quick nap and was off to the Perrier Jouët luncheon to mix and mingle with my hosts and fellow journalist.

Lunch was delicious, but the highlight was a first taste of Belle Epoque 2004, Perrier Jouet’s newest baby. It’s light and refreshing and I cannot wait until its summer release in the United States.  I didn’t get to linger with it for too long as I had a massage appointment at Six Senses, which certainly represents the modern side of this hotel. This Pierre David designed compound is composed of “cocoons” rather than rooms and my Holistic massage definitely put me in a relaxing comfort zone.

I spent the afternoon taking in Paris, a city I could never tire of.  I walked up to the Place de la Concord, through the park, and all the way up the Champs-Elysee to the Arc de Triomphe. By the time I got back to the hotel, I was ready to put my feet up for the night, but I only had a short time before we were off to the other side of Paris, for dinner at Les Tablettes de Jean-Louis Nomicos.
Jusqu'à demain (until tomorrow)…

Spa photo courtesy of Six Senses.

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