Friday, March 25, 2011

The Ultimate Disney World Savings Guide 2011

“See How Easily You Can
Have A Disney World Vacation For A
Fraction Of What Others Pay”

You Don't Have To Be Rich
To Have An Extravagant Disney World Vacation...Click Here!

Trip Advisor Pro Travel Lodger NewsBeth Haworth
Former Disney Cast Member
Best Selling Travel Writer

On a late Spring afternoon, two families departed for Disney World. They were very much alike, these two families.

Both had two children, both had middle class incomes, and both lived in the same neighborhood.

Both families took the same flight to Disney World. Both stayed at the same luxury 5-Star Disney World resort.

Both families attended the same shows and events, and ate at the same restaurants.

Both families spent the same amount of time at Disney World, and returned home on the same flight.

But there was a difference….

One family spent $5,500 for their Disney World vacation. The other spent $2,700.

What made the difference?

Hi – I’m Beth Haworth. If you're like me, you probably insist on getting the most you possibly can for your money.

I’ve written a guide to the best tips, tricks and savings available for a Disney Vacation. Strategies that can literally save you hundreds – if not thousands of dollars.

You see – I’m not only a best selling travel author – I was also a Disney Cast Member. And let me tell you – those were some of the best times of my life. I learned a lot – but I also kept my eyes open.

Trip Advisor Pro Travel Lodger NewsUltimate Disney World Savings Guide e-Book Please note that this is an e-Book that is updated regularly. All customers receive lifetime access to e-Book updates, even if it's months or years after your initial purchase. You will always have the very latest Disney savings strategies at your fingertips. What's an e-Book? Click Here!

I watched hundreds of families needlessly throwing their money away because they didn't know any better way. If only they had known what I know!

And that’s how my “Ultimate Disney World Savings Guide” e-Book was born.

It’s everything I've learned and discovered in making a Disney Vacation an affordable and magical experience.

You can have a Disney World vacation every bit as enjoyable and rewarding as the family who spends 2, 3, or even 4 times as much money!

Let me give you an example:

Disney 5-Star Resort: Retail cost $3,110 for 10 days
My cost: $1,130

That's a savings of $1,980 – for less than one hour of my time! And that's not an off-season deal either! I'm talking right in the middle of peak Disney travel times in 2010! Follow the 9 easy steps in my Disney Savings Guide, and you can do it too.

Why not pay for your trip in advance, rather than making credit card payments for months afterwards?

Every tip, every suggestion, every strategy you’ll find in my book is for real. I've done it all first hand. Both as an actual Disney Cast Member – and now as a Mom with three kids going on Disney vacations. Click Here!

Let me tell you exactly how “The Ultimate Disney World Savings Guide” is going to save you a bundle of cash.

Or – as Mickey might say: “On With The Show!” Click Here!

Read what people are saying! Below are comments from people who have recently purchased my Disney Savings Guide:

"I Have Already Saved Myself The Cost Of Your Book Several Times Over."
—Jennifer, Wisconsin
I found your book to be extremely helpful! Also, a great value for the price. I especially liked the quick response to my order. I was excited to receive my purchase. I have already saved myself the cost of your book several times over. Thank you for the broad base of information. It clearly covered all my questions and many I had not yet thought of. I will continue to count my savings until our May trip, thanks to you! It's -10 in Wisconsin today — I can't wait to go!

"My Funds Are Limited So I Gave Your Info A Try And Was Quite Impressed."
—Wayne, Oregon
Was very impressed with all the info received. Going to see Mickey for the first time in 1 1/2 days, am 52 years old and wheelchair bound. My funds are limited so I gave your info a try and was quite impressed. Thank you so much! Wishing you all the best.

"Just Wanted To Let You Know How Very Much I've Enjoyed Reading The Book I Got From You."

—Kelsey, Oklahoma
Beth, just wanted to let you know how very much I've enjoyed reading the book I got from you. What marvelous ideas I've picked up from it! I had no clue about the vacation club regarding the villas and I had found a price through Disney for the OKW resort that is so much pricier than what I can get through the points system. Thanks for writing this book!

"We're Looking Forward To A Great Disney World Vacation."
—Michelle, Rhode Island
Wow! We loved your book! I've been giving a copy to all of my friends (because you said I could)! We're looking forward to a great Disney World vacation. Thanks to you!

"They Couldn't Believe You Can Save So Much Money By Just Knowing What To Do!"
—Rae, Texas
Thanks so much, Beth! I went to dinner last night with two girlfriends and told them all about you and your book! They couldn't believe some of the info I gave them and that you can save so much money by just knowing what to do! I also e-mailed a friend in Pennsylvania who has twin grandkids, age 2. Sometime she will go to Disney World with them and I wanted her to know about your book! Gosh, girl, you'll become famous all over this country!!

Happy Day!

Trip Advisor Pro Travel Lodger NewsHoop-Dee-Doo Dinner Show
Be sure not to miss this one. I'll give you the low down on the Hoop-Dee-Doo dinner show at Pioneer Hall, including how to score the best seats in the house!

"You Definitely Showed Me Some New Tricks!"

—Lee, Ohio
Hi Beth, just bought the DW Savings Guide, and I've been reading it non-stop for the past couple of hours! I'm an AP holder and go to Disney World several times per year, so I know my way around Disney. You definitely showed me some new tricks!

"I Guess When You Say Your Guide Is Always Updated You Weren't Kidding!"

—Rachael and Mark, Maryland
I purchased your Disney Guide last year and just
downloaded it again to see if you changed anything.
Wow was I ever impressed! I couldn't believe how
many things changed in just a year. I guess when
you say your Guide is always updated you weren't kidding! We're going back to Disney World in August and look forward to using your tips again! Thanks.

"Normally I Would Not Spend $38 To Eat Per Person For 3 People, But When It's Free, What The Heck!"
—Nancy, Michigan
Thanks a million .... I took advantage of the free dining deal for 10 days for August. Normally I would not spend $38 to eat per person for 3 people, but when it's free, what the heck! Also a hint for your readers regarding Walker ECV rentals: If they sign up for their email newsletter they can get repeat user discounts – we got one for a free day!

"We Actually Felt Like We Were Professional Disney Goers And We'd Been Doing It All Our Lives."
—The Hanson Family, Stoney Creek, ON
Just writing to let you know we went to Disney and had a wonderful time. Thanks to your book, we were able to enjoy a stress free holiday. There were many tips and pointers I NEVER would have thought being the 'photopass'...I normally would just shy away from that stuff, thinking it would cost me $$$...but after reading your book, I made a point of getting our picture taken at EVERY opportunity.

We actually felt like we were professional Disney goers and we'd been doing it all our stress...pre-planned....wonderful.....all because of your book. Thanks again!

Buy Now! Click Here!

"Your Book Is Chock Full Of Real Savings And Even More Important, Right Up To Date Including Current Discounts And Codes On Disney Room Offerings. So Impressed Am I!"

—Dan, Tennessee
So, I'm over on the community forums and someone creates a post asking if anyone has heard of the book "The Ultimate Disney World Savings Guide." Of course, there are so many savings books and things on the Internet that we are skeptical. But we are also curious. After many posts from many people back and forth, I take the plunge and buy the book with a digital download.

I am totally surprised. Your book is chock full of real savings and even more important, right up to date including current discounts and codes on Disney room offerings. So impressed am I!

Buy Now! Click Here!

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