Monday, March 14, 2011

Prevent CANCER before its too late! Safety first symptoms.

By Gautham A S

Cancer is one of the most dangerous medical conditions caused by cells which have mutated and pose a threat to life.Cancer can be caused from your regular cells that have mutated to form toxic cells within the body.

There are several types of cancer-
1)Lung Cancer
2)Blood Cancer
3)Mesothelioma Cancer
4)Cervical Cancer
5)Breast Cancer
6)Testicular Cancer

These are some of the more common cancer developments, but there are many more as the above listed.

So things to do to prevent Cancer before emerging and spreading?

1)Eat healthy, this is the main thing, if you do this you keep out 90% of all diseases.

2)Eat lots of Anti Oxidants, these definitely help reduce the risk of Cancer.Almost all types of cancer can be avoided by consuming Anti Oxidants.
Some of my Favorite Anti Oxidants are Citric acid found in lemons, oranges Etc.
As well as Pomegranate fruit has really valuable anti oxidants.These Anti Oxidants can also prevent pre -mature aging of skin.

3)Stay away from Asbestos, this is the primary cause of cancer.

4)Get regular health check ups so that if you develop any form of cancer, you can treat it very quickly.
The quicker the diagnosis, easier the treatment and more chances of survival.Most of the times Cancer symptoms show up very late, when the disease has progressed too much, when nothing much can be done.

5)Avoid going to places where there is a possibility of Nuclear radiation, this can cause thyroid cancer.
If by mistake you did go near a place where there is radiation, ask your doctor and consume Iodine, but always ask a doctor first before consuming anything.

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6)Also you can do your bit to stop cancer, by spreading the word and awareness about it.So please do so.

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