Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Adsense Success Rate in Europe, USA and Asia

Here is an estimate of Adsense success rates in Europe,USA and Asia taking in to  account number of adsense publishers, CPC, eCPM, legitimacy, Difficulty of SEO and Regional average adsense CPC .

By success rates I mean for every one hundred Adsense Publishers, the number of people that would become successful in earning a substantial amount of revenue from it.Not just one odd month but every month earning decent amount of money online from Adsense.

Europe (England, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Holland, Spain, France, Ireland, Finland, Ukraine Etc) :
Success Rate - 10-12 out of 100 Publishers.
United States Of America (USA) - 14-16 out of 100 Publishers.
Asia (India,China,Japan,Korea,Malaysia,Singapore, Philippines,Bangladesh Etc)
Success Rate - 2-9 Publishers

Taking into account that some of the publishers from each country gather the same countries visitors more than other countries.

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