Saturday, February 26, 2011

Adbrite vs Chitika vs Infolinks vs Bidvertizer

I used Adbrite for a while in my personal blog and it did not give out very good results.I was not very happy, It has very low CPC and the advertisements do not even show up sometimes.Also it takes more than a day for the first time advertisements to show up.They are not content related at all, so no use of targeted traffic.

Chitika is slightly better than Adbrite, although Chitika has all the above problems, the magnitude of these problems is less.But Chitika Ads can be seen only by those in USA although anyone around the world can put it up.

Infolinks is an advertising platform which can be used along with Google Adsense.These are mainly In-Line Ads and do not have much CPC due to the fact that they are not content based.Also you need to have a PayPal account for Infolinks.

Bidvertizer: Bidvertizer is slightly better than all the three above and provides some level of targeted advertisements based on our content,

Out of these four I would go for Bidvertizer and Infolinks.
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