Friday, January 14, 2011

Privacy policy

We at wish to inform all our visitors about our privacy policy as our visitors privacy is of utmost importance to us.
Here is the information on how we receive and collect user information and to assure that we never sell any information to any third party sources.

As most websites do, we collect information using log files.The information we receive are your IP,ISP and which browser you used, how long and what time you visited our sites as well as what pages you visited on our site.
We use cookies to store personal information such as preferences when you visit our site.

We also have third party advertisements running on our website such as Google Adsense and its third party allowed advertisers.Information on your IP,ISP, search preferences, topic preferences,browser and time of visit are received and collected.This is used to target ads when you visit our site.

You can choose to disable or selectively choose which third party cookies to enable in your browser settings.

In the Google Adsense program, Double Dart Cookies are used. When users visit a partner's website and either view or click on an ad, a cookie may be dropped on that end user's browser. The data gathered from these cookies will be used to help better serve and manage ads on the our site and across the web.

Users can opt out of ads here
Ads on this site may also be from these Adsense certified networks

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