Sunday, September 26, 2010

Barbados Food & Wine & Rum Festival

I have failed miserably at my own job. Somehow, I completely overlooking this sure-to-be amazing festival sponsored by Food & Wine Magazine and sadly, I have conflicting travel plans the very same week. My inner foodie is not happy at the missed opportunity to see such  fine culinary talent as Tom Colicchio, Marcus Samuelsson, Ming Tsai, Tim Love, and Fergus Henderson, in action.

For those of you who are looking for a great excuse to visit Barbados and are free to travel the week of November 19th, I highly recommend this event! I've attended other Food & Wine sponsored events and each delectable bite is worth the trip. 

Being Barbados, this is not simply a Food & Wine affair... expect large volumes of rum with a heaping side of arts & culture.

For more on the festival click here. To book your trip to Barbados, click here.

Send me a postcard!

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