Tuesday, August 31, 2010

CaribbeanJourney.com joins ASTA's Green Program

The first reason I like ASTA (American Society of Travel Agents) is because of their extreme support for the travel agent community. They have an informative consumer website - Travel Sense - where you can find all sorts of destination info and learn about what individual travel specialists have to offer. 

ASTA also does a good job of explaining to the consumer why it is important to use a travel agent.

We recently joined one of ASTA's newest programs as a GREEN MEMBER. This new program requires that our office practices "greener" internal operations - and we are. We've gone paperless on almost every transaction, replaced our old computers with more energy friendly products from Apple, and last year's office renovation included only non-toxic paint... just to name a few. You can read more about other Caribbean companies we support for their green efforts right here on our Green Travel page.
ASTA keeps their GREEN MEMBERS up to date on environmentally minded efforts by the travel industry as a whole through updated versions of their Green Report as well as monthly newsletters.


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