Sunday, July 25, 2010

No Conch Shells Allowed

Recently, while standing in the security line at the Antigua Airport, I witnessed something for the very first time. The sweet honeymoon couple in front of me in the line had their conch shell confiscated. They were sad. The security agent was sympathetic as she explained that conch shells are not allowed on flights, unless in your checked baggage because they could be used as a weapon. The agent demonstrated, and yes, I can see how being smacked on the head with one of those giant shells would certainly do some damage... but along those lines, I could use my laptop for a weapon if need be! Anyway, avoid having to put on the puppy dog eyes and pack your conch shells in your checked luggage.

Side note: On my search for the perfect conch shell photo, I found this... the perfect conch shell house:

Photos from here & here.

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