Thursday, February 4, 2010

Puerto Rico's {New} Ad Campaign Goes Vintage

From the NY Times {12.3.2009}
"The campaign is for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, which made waves in the 1950s with print ads by Ogilvy & Mather that presented beautiful scenes shot by a 26-year-old photographer named Elliott Erwitt."

"To be sure, the new campaign does acknowledge the change in attention spans in the last five decades. There are 107 words of text in one ad from the new campaign, compared with 217 in an ad from the original campaign that appeared in 1958.
And the new campaign reflects other changes since the days that the real-life versions of Don Draper and the other “Mad Men” strode Madison Avenue."
For the FULL story - go here.

See the full collection of Elliott Erwitt's Puerto Rico Photos.

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