Friday, November 7, 2008

Zihuatanejo - Where We Stayed

Trip Advisor Pro Travel Lodger News About my Mexico Trip... We went to Zihuatanejo with my best friend Julie & her beautiful family. Julie and I were dorm mates in boarding school and then housemates in our early 20s. Her family has owned this house in Zihuatanejo for over 20 years and for over 15 years I have attentively listed to her colorful stories about the "casa de Mexico". Needless to say, the wanderer in me was thrilled when this conversation took place:

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Laura: Lovely Jules, when can we expect you here in Atlanta? It is your turn to come visit me afterall.

Jules: We would LOVE to come, but the tickets are over $600/per person and that is what we pay to go all the way to MEXICO, not that you aren't worth over $600/per person, darling Laura.

Laura: Hmmm... I see. (wheels turning) Well, we could meet you in MEXICO???

And the rest is history. Speaking of history, how happy was I to find this picture of the casa in the casa from when the casa was likely only a few years old:

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The casa is full of creature comforts for the traveller, not so much the tourist. I can't tell you much about it because it is not for rent and you would be sad. But just know it is classic old-world Mexico with cool saltillo tiles on the floor and hand painted blue and yellow tiles on the walls holding steady behind displays of antique sombreros, a separate kitchen off of a HUGE courtyard... stopping now!

But these were my favorite... beach cruisers waiting for exploration:

Trip Advisor Pro Travel Lodger News Julie's dreamboat duo off for a morning ride:
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Directly out of the front door of Casa de Jules is the fisherman's beach and market. It comes alive before the rooster crows and is a flurry of action all day long - and it has been this way for hundreds of years:
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At night, the walkway in front of the casa comes alive with twinkling lights from nearby restaurants and local vendors. I loved, loved, loved the central location. This is the view to the left:

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And to the right:

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Stay tuned for more about our trip - lazy beach days, private islands, deep-sea fishing, and oh yea - a few big celebrations! Enjoy!

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