Thursday, November 13, 2008

Restaurant Review - La Sirena Gorda, Zihuatanejo

Lucky for us, a few doors down from the casa was La Sirena Gorda a delightful restaurant with such flair. La Sirena Gorda is "the fat mermaid" in Spanish. I pocketed a few of these coasters and plan on making something crafty with them:

Trip Advisor Pro Travel Lodger NewsThis huge, weathered, wooden Albatross welcomes you to your table. (Oh the stories she could tell from long days and long nights on the high seas.)
Trip Advisor Pro Travel Lodger NewsThe ceiling was full of eye-candy for sea-loving, fisher-people types:
Trip Advisor Pro Travel Lodger News Trip Advisor Pro Travel Lodger NewsTrip Advisor Pro Travel Lodger News And the walls were full of eye-candy for the mermaid loving types:

Trip Advisor Pro Travel Lodger News
Trip Advisor Pro Travel Lodger News
Trip Advisor Pro Travel Lodger NewsAnd at the table sat our very well behaved children, eye-candy for the lucky parent types:

Trip Advisor Pro Travel Lodger NewsTrip Advisor Pro Travel Lodger NewsTrip Advisor Pro Travel Lodger NewsWhere's the food, you ask? Your truly is really terrible at remembering to take pictures before diving in! I love to eat and as I've said before, if I wasn't in travel (or fashion) I'd be in food! La Sirena Gorda has the BEST Chiliqueles (or sometimes spelled Chiliquiles) to ever pass my lips. I found a good recipe for this easy and delish dish on Food Network. They use Chorizo, but I prefer mine topped with scrambled eggs... Enjoy!

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